The Spit Test

Do you have unanswered questions

about your health?

Solutions with Saliva

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Do you have trouble losing weight, controlling your blood sugar, or feeling your very best? This saliva or spit test screening can give you answers for your body and your mouth. The hidden health secrets in your saliva can be the missing link. Your spit test results are a critical first step to achieve the health and longevity you desire.

Oral Diseases Picture

Dear Friend,

Consider this…

What if there was a simple spit or saliva screening that can be done at home, takes about 10 seconds, is completely painless, and could tell you the likelihood of getting any of these diseases? This screening may also help you understand why you feel poorly, have bad test results, or can not lose weight.  Would you like to know?

Heart Attack Stroke
Brain Abscess Vascular Disease
Fatty Liver Renal and Kidney Failure
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Diabetes
Cancer (Pancreas, Esophagus, Colon, Breast, Lungs, Head and Neck)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dental Implant Failure Periodontal Disease
Bone Loss Pregnancy Complications, Low Birth Weight Babies, and Fetal Death

Well, now there is!  This revolutionary test measures your mouth biome which includes 5 key bacteria that have been linked to all of these diseases above.  And if they are out of balance, they can increase your risk of a heart attack by 50% and they have been linked to 95% of diabetes cases!

And these bacteria are transmissible between intimate partners.

A Simple Screening That Gives You A 360 Degree View Of Your Health!

Finally, Get A Simple In-Home Screening That Gives You A Snapshot Of Your Real Overall Health!

It Takes Less Than 10 Seconds…
And It Is Painless!

Check Out How What Is Living In Your Mouth
Can Impact You Health!

The Spit Test Stickman (1)


Bone Loss


Diabetes and Fatty Liver

Heart Attacks and Strokes

Kidney Failure

Pregnancy Complications

Arthritis, Autoimmune, Bowel

Hi, My name is Dr. Gina Pritchard

Over the past 40 years, I have cared for thousands of patients, and the “The Spit Test” is by far one of the best screenings I have ever seen. The truth is we all need a healthy oral biome (or also called microbiome), just like we need a healthy gut biome (also called microbiome).  

In my practice, we care for patients who are strongly desire to prevent their next heart attack or stroke (be it their first or second), reverse or avoid diabetes and vascular dementia. This is one of the very first tests I use to get an accurate picture of what is going on with each person.  And… if they have specific pathogens or “bad bugs” such as harmful bacteria, yeast viruses, we start treating them right away.  These “bad bugs” tell us this person needs support for their immune system support as well as reduction in or elimination of the harmful pathogens. This impaired oral biome indicates risk of certain diseases and are the root cause or contributing factor for many diseases.  For example, an unhealthy or impaired oral biome is one of the TOP REASONS why someone has had a heart attack or a stroke or is at risk for a future heart attack or stroke.  We MUST get their oral biome back in healthy state ASAP!

Often times dangerous pathogens are hiding in your mouth, even if you have a consistent oral care regimen at home and get excellent check-ups at the dental office. 

The only way to know if your mouth is putting your body at risk is to spit in a tube and send it to the lab.  Your spit (saliva) will be tested for both “good” and “bad” organisms. 

The results of this screening test will tell you what is going on. Using the results from this test, you can follow steps to reduce the unhealthy pathogens and increase the healthy organisms in your mouth.

If you have not found answers to your health concerns and/or if you want to feel your very best for a very, very long time, get your Spit Test screening today.

Hi, My name is Lora Hooper

I received my Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary certification from The Ohio State University in 1995. 

Then, in 2011, I became a Preceptor of the Bale Doneen Method. I continue my education through SSRP, Seeds Scientific Research & Performance Institute, completing their peptide program focusing on disease reversal and prevention at the cellular level. My current passion is applying this knowledge to the dental profession, moving from symptom suppression to disease reversal.

I am the Vice President & Clinical Director for IDMSS, Integrative Dental Medicine Scholar Society. As a speaker and workshop coach, I help dental professionals gain the knowledge and skills to address patients’ oral-systemic health. I have been featured on the Ask Why Medicine and Cheat Codes for Health podcasts, educating the public and colleagues on the new gold standard in oral-systemic care.

In 2017, I became the first dental hygienist in the nation to work for a cardiologist in an oral-systemic practice, integrating the Bale Doneen Method into care. In 2020, I moved full-time into the medical arena, where I began working as the Collaborative Care Coordinator for Dr. Gina Pritchard at the Prevent Clinic.

What Are The 4 Steps For Screening?

  1. Click on the button below to order your screening. The screening kit will be delivered in a few days.

  2. Once you get the screening kit, follow the simple instructions to spit in the tube, seal it up, and drop it in the mailbox.

  3. Your results will be sent via the private link in your email in 7-10 business days.

  4. After placing your order, you will be invited to join The Spit Test virtual community. Place your order and join today to learn about the vitally important test results you will soon receive. You will understand how these results can change and improve your body, health, and life.

More Details

Spit Test Screening for the health of the Oral Biome:

The Spit Test is a non-invasive saliva screening method (also called oral biome or microbiome screening) that helps identify and quantify the presence of key pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and viruses in the oral biome. These bacteria are often invisible to the naked eye but can significantly impact oral and whole body (systemic) health. The test results can guide targeted treatments, that may include home oral care options (specific toothpaste, mouth rinse, mouth spray, probiotics to dissolve in the mouth, probioitics to swallow (for the gastrointestinal or “GI” tract, GI healing products, additional evaluation and/or testing in the dental office and/or medical office, and therapies performed in the dental office (such as biofilm removal therapies) and sometimes oral antibiotics[1].

10 Harmful Bacteria, 1 Helpful Bacteria, 1 Harmful Yeast, and 4 Harmful Viruses

The Spit Test Screens for the following:


Purple Complex:
– Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (AA)

Red Complex:
– Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg)
– Tannerella Forsythia (Tf)
– Treponema Denticola (Td)

Orange Complex:
– Prevotella Intermedia (Pi)
– Campylobacter Rectus (Cr)
– Fusobacterium Nucleatum (Fn)
– Fusobacterium Animalis (Fa)

Green Complex:
– Eikenella Corrodens (Ec)

– Streptococcus Mutans (Sm)
– Streptococcus Sanguinis* (Ss)

*The presence of Streptococcus Sanguinis is associated with healthy plaque biofilm.

– Candida Albicans (Ca)


– Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1)

– Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)

– Epstein Barr Virus

– Cytomegalovirus


More information about the harmful bacteria

Aa – Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans – It is pathogen associated with. Heart Disease, Stroke, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Brain Abscesses, Aneurysms.

Pg **Porphyromonas gingivalis**: Recognized as a keystone pathogen in periodontitis, P. gingivalis contributes to the chronic inflammation and destruction of periodontal tissues. Its systemic impact extends to increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, and it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease[1][2][3].

Td – Treponema denticola – This nice little bug has been associated with: Cardiovascular Disease, Arterial Plaque, Alzheimer’s, Joint Replacement issues, Oxidative Stress, Aneurysms, Diabetes, Dementia, Cancer, Stroke, Implant Failure, and Periodontal Disease.

Tf **Tannerella forsythia**: This bacterium is another significant contributor to periodontal disease. It has been shown to have a synergistic relationship with other periodontal pathogens and may have a more pronounced effect in individuals with obesity[2][4].

Fn **Fusobacterium nucleatum**: F. nucleatum acts as a bridge between early and late colonizers in dental plaque formation, facilitating the adhesion and accumulation of other pathogenic bacteria. It plays a role in periodontal disease and has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes[2].

Fa **Fusobacterium Animalis**: F. animalis is a particularly dangerous “sub-species” of Fusobacterium Nucleatum or Fn.   Fa is associated with and unhealthy  gastrointestinal system.  Any of the dangerous pathogens can be unfavorable to the GI system; but Fa is even more often implicated in GI issues or GI areas of concern.

Pi **Prevotella intermedia**: P. intermedia is often found in conjunction with other periodontal pathogens and is involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal infections. It is particularly concerning for pregnant women as it can contribute to pregnancy complications[2].

Sm **Streptococcus mutans**: This bacterium is a primary culprit in dental caries (tooth decay) due to its acidogenic and aciduric properties, which lead to enamel demineralization. Beyond the oral cavity, S. mutans has been implicated in systemic conditions such as endocarditis and has been associated with ulcerative colitis[2][6].

Ss **Streptococcus sanguinus is associated with healthy plaque biofilm.

Clinical Implications and Management

Identifying these pathogens through the Spit Test enables clinicians to tailor interventions to reduce or eliminate the harmful pathogens, support the immune system, imrove the health of your oral biome and GI system, and reduce the risk of oral and whole body or systemic diseases.

Recommendations and strategies may include specific lifestyle changes related to diet, breathing, sleep, exercise, relationships, stress, additional testing to be performed a home or from a lab, bio-hacking techniques, home oral care recommendations, specific to your results.  Categories may include toothpaste, mouth rinse, mouth spray, probiotics to dissolve in the mouth, probioitics to swallow (for the gastrointestinal or “GI” tract, GI healing products, other nutritional supplements, further evaluation and/or testing in the dental office and/or in the medical office, and therapies performed in the dental office (such as biofilm removal therapies) and, in some cases, oral antibiotics[1].  Understanding one’s “Biome Blueprint” can be instrumental in transitioning from reactive to preventive healthcare, with a broader impact on overall well-being[1].


























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